Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Two requests from Newtown

Today, as a resident of Newtown, I have two requests.
       #1. If you live in Newtown, please don't talk to anyone in the press anymore.  The stories have been written, there is no new information, and anything they are seeking now is likely inappropriate and over the line. 
        For example, the reporter from Dublin last night that intruded as I was bringing my neighbor (the school nurse at Sandy Hook Elementary School) dinner...  He wanted her to look at the class picture of the first grade class that had been massacred so that she could identify the sole survivor, a precious innocent sweet traumatized child who said, when finally reunited with her mother, "Mommy, I'm ok, but my friends are all dead."  Now, I realize it would be exciting as a reporter to find out who that child is and get the lead and publicize her face and maybe try to find her and ask her how she feels and what she saw.  
       But we're going to say no to that.  A big fat gigantic capital-letters NO.  No way, never, absolutely not, not in a million years. You leave that baby alone.  She is ours and we will protect her.  It'll come out eventually, no doubt, but we are sure as hell not going to help you make that happen.  And my sweet neighbor certainly doesn't need to see pictures of all of the precious students that she knows and lost, as she is trying to make sense of this horrific experience and grieve.  So we're going to say no to that too.   
         I told a different reporter, a producer from Fox, that I assumed that the only way we would get the media to leave is to stop talking to them.  He nodded and said, "That's probably true."  So neighbors, please stop talking.  Give them nothing. And they will leave.  Maybe not today.  Maybe not tomorrow.  But they will leave.
         #2.  If you live elsewhere, please stop watching.  We know you are grieving with us. We know it is hard to turn away. We don't want you to forget us, we desperately need your prayers and your love and for your hearts to continue to be with ours.  We are grateful for the support of a nation and a world, and it will help us as we seek to move on, day by painful day.  But we need you to stop watching us.
         The families burying their children this week need privacy.  They are living out every parents' worst nightmare, a horror that cannot even be imagined, and they need to be able to do it without the world watching.  Or taking their pictures.  Or asking them how they feel.
         The residents of our town need to be able to drive down our streets and go to our stores and walk down our sidewalks and get to our friends' houses and make our way to the memorials set up for our fallen ones to pay our respects.  Please, love us and pray for us from your own living rooms, not on our streets.  We can't do it with you here.  
        We also can't do it while the media is here.  But if you stop watching their reports from outside the funerals of our slain children and from outside the doors of our fragile but brave schools, the ratings will go down, and they will leave.  Maybe not today.  Maybe not tomorrow. But they will leave, eventually. And then, maybe, we can begin to heal, and gradually become, once again, the place of laughter and love and beauty that we all call home.


  1. They'll stay, even if you don't talk to them. They will have less to run-- but there is ALWAYS someone who will talk, even if it is a friend of a friend.

    But...don't talk. Don't give them anything. Keep your dignity and keep going on in life. I've lived in 2 communities now that have had very sad situations like this (that both made world news) and the best I can say is don't worry about them. Be polite, but ignore them. Don't fuel the fire. Most of those reporters probably don't want to be there, either. I'm sure the thought of having to see the funerals and such is heartbreaking for them, too.

    As a former journalist that had to stake out a few houses, they will leave when a new story arises...probably within a week.

    Sad, but true.

  2. So very well written and incredibly on point. Please know that the nation is with all of you, and I will do my part to help the media go away. Peace to all of you in this most incredibly difficult time...

  3. God Bless. I won't watch because I have small children at home who don't need to see. But, that doesn't mean that I don't grieve and feel a desperate desire to help in some way. So, I pray and I hope that somehow that is enough. I feel helpless, but grateful that my 3 children are safe and wonder why not my children? Why? This will never be answered.

  4. May they all R.I.P and the community be able to heal in time god bless you all and my heart and prays are with everyone

  5. Well said, prayers for all. I will personally do my part...

  6. God bless you , that was well written

  7. I'm just so, so sorry. I pray every day, several times. Love and hugs to you all.

  8. to the town and fa,ilies we pray for god to carry you threw to give you comfront threw your time of sorrow we pray this thur his son jesus amem

  9. We are all so very sorry for the great loss the entire town has suffered. A nation mourns with you. My prayers go out to your community.

  10. Im so sorry and pray for all of u. I dont watch its way to upsetting. I dont know how people can watch that all day long and stay sane. Hugs and prayers from florida

  11. From NC...we Love and pray for you...and cry! May you find peace and solitude as you all try to recover...alone...together as neighbors of Newtown, CT. NOT with the media in your "dens".

  12. Media blackout mission unfolding now....

  13. God bles your your town I feel you are absolutely correct I hope the media moves on and your healing process can begin they maybe gone but never forgotten your town will in our hearts and prayers till the end of time

  14. Thoughts & Prayers Forever!

  15. When my daisy troop leader with my girl scout troop found out that there was girl scouts involved she could not stop crying so I told her we would do something special for the girl scouts and the two tiger cubs. We are all grieving for you and your town I have not been watching the shows the news and shielding our kids from what happened because like the kids that passed we don't want their innocence be taken from them. It upsets me that people are not leaving your town alone its time that they let you be at peace and let the kids try and enjoy what innocence they have left and to the families I am so sorry for your loss being a parent that is the hardest thing We are all here in lubbock,tx praying for you. Knowing that one of the girls wanted to work at a animal shelter is a great way to start giving back to the community may the little angels in your town be watching over all of us and especially the town of Newton.

  16. I have not watched media coverage since the day of. I refuse to participate in the sensationalism. I,ve donated cash. I've donated stuffed animals & I've sent a sympathy card. I feel like I should do more but I don't know what. One thing I can do is respect their privacy. Give them space & time to begin healing.

  17. I pray that God blesses your community and can heal your hearts. I will do my part by tuning out the media.

  18. God Bless your entire town ... well said!

  19. I'm so sorry for all of you, I could not and did not watch media reports. The loss of those precious children and teachers was too sad. I pray the media will soon leave you all to heal. Praying for all of them here in Devine, Texas.

  20. Well said! Please know you are in our thoughts and most importantly our prayers. My children and I will be doing random acts of kindness this weekend in honor of each person lost. Its not much but maybe we can spread a little cheer in an otherwise horrible situation! God Bless you all!

  21. God bless all of you and carry you through this trying time...Hugs from Leland NC

  22. my heart breaks for all of you. I have tried to watch and read as little as possible since the weekend, for my sanity as much as your peace. I can't fathom mourning my loved ones in such a public way, and will do my best to impede the publicity. I'd like you to know that my only intrusion to your community's walls will be my participation in "Angel Wall" protection from the asshats from the WBC, and only if it's necessary. please accept my condolences and prayers for peace to your entire community. <3

  23. That couldnt been said any better.my heart goes out to everyone that lives in that county.

  24. My heart goes out to all of you and what and awesome point you have! I wish I could help in some way because thats the way God made me. But I know all I can do now is pray and still remain to hurt inside for all the parents and families out there. It is in Gods hands now and he will protect everyone of you.I so believe this was a satin act. No doubt about it. Because nobody wants God in schools anymore and lets bring this back if not the whole world can see what happens when you push him out....

  25. As Newtown was where I grew up I have very special memories there and while I am in awe of all the love and support from all over I feel my litttle town from the beginning has been so invaded I too have stopped all news and this will be my last social media post as I have seen to many faces plastered all over social networks that should be keep sacred. Pray for Newtown and all that they have lost but please give them the privacy and respect they deserve so only then they can begin their most difficult journney to heal.

  26. God Bless, may God bring comfort and peace to you all. I am thinking of the families of this horrific act and will do my part in your healing process. Media it is time to leave them alone, you have your story...now go away!

  27. Love and prayers from Etters, Pa. I will do my part.

  28. Thank you for this. I can do that for you and your town. I stopped watching any news several days ago and now will stop the Internet info feed on it. I am happy to honor your right to privacy so that you may heal. I appreciate this request.

  29. First my heart bleeds for you and your beautiful town. I am a mother of three and could not for a second imagine the pain your community is feeling. I wanted to get in my car and drive to CT, but I knew it would only add to the confusion. I have turned off the national news, and cable news. I find during this time, you discover the true professionals in their line of work and the complete sleezeballs. They will be gone soon, there will be another story to take the headlines. And there will be a day when your town will want the media back, maybe not to the extent that it is now and hopefully on a happier note. Just know that we are all hurting for your community, and want you to know we stand with you.
    Heart and hugs.

  30. Please know that we are praying for you and your community. I am a mother of 3 beautiful boys, and cannot imagine what you and your community are going through. I don't want to watch it as much as you don't want to be on the news. I hope and pray that the news crews leave soon, and that your community can heal, in peace.

  31. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Newtown. I'm a teacher and when I heard what happened on Friday my heart broke. I can not imagine what those children and adults went through and still are going through. I want you all to know that I won't stop praying for everyone in your town. You are right about staying quiet so the media will go away. This year my hometown went through an incident that made national and international news. I remember how all the news outlets camped out in our town. We couldn't even go to the town meeting without cameras being put in our face. I remember one of the questions asked at that meeting was when will the media go away? We all were encouraged not to speak with media. They will eventually leave and your town will be drawn closer. Always praying and thinking of you all!

  32. GOD BLESS you all ! You said it perfect. LOVE and PRAYERS from NMB SC. I WILL DEFINITELY DO MY PART.

  33. From one grieving parent to the new ones in Newtown, my heart and thoughts are with all of you. I too have not watched since the first day of. Here is what I have done to try and honor their memory. http://heavensbouquet.blogspot.com/2012/12/sandy-hook-elementary.html

  34. I will do my part. My tears will continue to fall and my prayers will still go up, but I will keep off the media coverage as much as possible. Please know that the entire country is sending love to the families and the town. May God give you all peace and comfort at this time. Sending love from Iowa...

  35. I haven't watched since the day of, and I will not. This whole situation is just heartbreaking. I have a first grader and I could not imagine being one of those parents. I have been thinking about the parents, families, children every day and have cried. If the only way I can help your grieving town is by not watching the news, then that is what I will do. Lots of love and prayers from Puyallup, WA. Please keep your heads up and know all those little angels are watching over you.

  36. Well written, Peace & Love!

  37. From Mystic, CT a house full of love and prayers is sent to all of you daily. xx The Wiley's.

  38. I can not begin to imagine the pain your community is feeling. And I am so sorry for all of your precious losses.It is such an unimaginable thing that has happened.

  39. Beautifully stated. We are holding a candlelight vigil in honor of your town, to pay homage to your little ones, and remember the heroism that prevailed that day. We are parents too. We lost one of our own from Ogden. We love and respect all of you, even though we are miles apart and have never met. We are a family in God's Heavenly grace. I shall abide by your request. God Bless. Hugs and love from our community in Utah to yours.

  40. I hold you in my heart and prayers every single day. I lost a child 5 years ago (she took her life) and I know what it feels like to wake up every morning and have the sorrow and anguish rush in with the sun.

    I have not watched since the day I heard about this happening on the news. I will pass your wishes on to others who may still be watching.

    You are loved.

  41. Your town and the families are in our thoughts and prayers. I have not been able to watch the news since Friday because it is just too sad and brings me to tears because I have 2 small kids and think that it could have been them. The media needs to let your town heal in peace and understand that this is a time of mourning. Thoughts and prayers for all of you.

  42. I grew up in Monroe & went to summer camp in Newtown (near the flagpole). My heart goes out to you & everyone personally affected my this horrendous act. I created a petition about the Sensationalist Media to be delivered to all the major networks. Please sign and pass long. Peace!

  43. I will not leave a long msg I will just promise to respect you and promise to keep praying I am unable to watch the media frenzy bc it upsets me so. GOD SPEED AND GOD BLESS!

  44. Please know that your little town is in our thoughts and prayers here in Dallas Texas.

  45. Very well said. Sending thoughts and prayers from Michigan. Hoping and praying that you all find the strength you need to get through this tragedy. I will do my part for all of you.

  46. My husband's co-worker's parents are Newtown residents. I actually don't know him, and have been thinking this might be so.

    It's so incredibly awesome that you wrote this.

    I'm praying for all those affected.

  47. Well said and I hope they leave sooner than later. My family and I pray for you all and wish everyone affected well. Time heals all wounds....God Bless America

  48. I'm so sorry for your town's loss. It's very heartbreaking. And you are right. The media is exploiting your grief. I will not watch, but I will also not forget. You are in our hearts and prayers in Charleston, SC.

  49. We all pray this for you and wish for you that the media will back off immediately. We are grieving with you -- though our hearts will not know the devastation you feel. May God be with you and comfort you.

  50. VERY WELL SAID! Media is the last thing anyone wants, in any kind of situation. They ruin lives, they are horrible. My family & I are praying for you! <3

  51. I've been watching every day because my heart aches for everyone at Newtown. But I hear you. I'll turn it off, but will never forget.

  52. I have no words, except to say your blog was straight from the heart and brought me to tears. I will continue to pray for all of you, I hope you all find peace and comfort. God protect that little baby who survived and will have a lifetime of healing to do.

  53. I ache for everyone affected by this terrible tragedy. I stopped watching on Friday. It was too painful and too intrusive and only goads the media to continue to pry. Healing thoughts, comfort and peace to all.

  54. They will leave. Unfortunately it probably won't be until the last victim is buried. Then they will be back at certain times of year, probably Christmas Day, Mothers Day, the day the school reopens, and any other day there is ANY sort of memorial or dedication or anything. I'm not saying that is right, but will be the reality. God bless.

  55. Well said....my thoughts, prayers and love are with every person in that town. I wish I could write or say something that hasn't already been said. I had never heard of Newtown before that horrible December day, I wish I had heard of that town for other happier reasons. I will remember Newtown as a strong willed town full of beautiful people who have come together in a tragedy no one should ever endure. God Bless you, your family and your town!

  56. As a mother of a first grader my life has been forever changed from this horrific tragedy. We all want to take some sort of action to help you and your precious town, so thank you for your request. God Bless you and all who are dealing with this unimaginable grief. -Loudon, NH

  57. My heart goes out to every single person there. We have prayed every night, but have already been changing the channel out of respect every time something comes on. Had something like that happened here, I would want the same. Time to mourn, time to heal and time to be with each other in the community together learning how to keep going. God bless each and every one of you. Those beautiful children, teachers and families will forever remain in our hearts and prayers.

  58. I agree, the media needs to get out for them to begin healing. On the other hand some Newtown residents want to speak to the media even if their neighbors don't like it.

  59. So True, from the beginning I have been angry that the media gives attention to these acts; encouraging others who seek attention to copy cat. This started with Columbine and the media are responsible for the continuation. I have 5 beautiful grandchildren and couldn't imagine a hair on their head being harmed. This is my first and only social network comment; it is our place to pray and I will increase my diligence in that area. May the hurt rest in the palm of His almighty hand, God be with all of you as you go through this horrific experience. From Dalton OH.

  60. 26 acts of kindness offers something people might focus on instead. Hope this helps. Hugs to all of you.


  61. Well written and I totally agree! Yesterday, while I was watching the news and they were saying the same thing and showing the same pictures over and over again, I said to the T.V. "Please, for the love of God, let those people grieve in peace. Leave them alone!"
    As a mother and with compassion for ALL of the Newtown residents, that will continue to keep in my heart and my prayers, I promise to STOP watching.
    God Bless <3

  62. He said all the right words. Time to let the town start to heal. Let these town folk grieve in private please. Pray for them-but let them heal. God Bless Newtown Ct.
    From the Citizens of Watauga, Texas.

  63. Is there a place to offer financial support to the families that have lost a child? Not that money eases the loss, but might help cover costs of funerals and counseling.

    1. Thank you for asking. If you'd like to offer financial support, you can check out the following list of ways to do so.

  64. you are so right in this.. you's need your privacy now. MEDIA GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT TOWN, AS WELL AS VISITORS.. LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE... You are all in our hearts and prayers during this time of grief..{{{BIG HUG}}} to all of the town.. much LOVE and METTA to everyone..
    love, the Myro family from Ringtown, Pa..

  65. I am so sorry for your beautiful town and the families, friends, neighbors of these children. Our hearts ache for what you are living but you're right, enough is enough with the Media and interviews. We all want to understand how this could happen, we all share in your grief but there is a time and a place for everything and this is not the time for the Media and Newtown is not the place. I pray that they respect the privacy of the grieving families. I can't even imagine what it is like to bury a child. My thoughts and prayers are with you Newtown.

  66. Daily prayers for your community. May you feel the comfort of Christ & His strength to move forward. Our hearts are broken too for everyone involved. We haven't been watching because we have elem kids too.

    Richmond VA

  67. So well stated. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. We know that dignity, respect, and privacy are not strong suits of the media, however, there is no time like the present to learn these characteristics of humanity. God Bless you all as he holds you in the palms of his hands through this healing process.

  68. 12/19/12' - Wed. @11:02a.

    God be with you all! Prayers sent to you all from Delaware!

    Linda McG.

  69. Thank you for this. Sending love and support from Oregon.

  70. Someone should send this to the media that are there, or hand out copies to journalists and visitors.
    I was appalled to see pictures of those attending funerals all over the news. Where is the respect for privacy?

  71. I am so sorry for your loss.
    My family has not and will not watch a news report about your town's loss. We have seen more than anyone should in the newspaper and online news. But, even these we stopped looking at after a couple days. It just feels wrong to be seeing what should not be seen. Our wish is privacy for all of you so you can grieve as you see fit.
    Sending love and prayers to you all!

  72. I am so sorry for everything that has happened. I don't think anyone outside of Newton can possibly comprehended the grief. I don't think anyone but the parents who lost children can possibly understand that lost empty feeling of sadness. I want to help. But I feel completely helpless. We all feel completely helpless. When there is a natural disaster, I always send money and donations, but what do you do here? Nothing. That makes me feel empty. Please continue to tell me what I can do to help. And I'm in. I'm so sorry for this whole situation. It literally has broken my heart.

  73. Thank you all for your prayers and your understanding. We appreciate it more than you can ever know.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. I agree. The news has been covered it's now stalking. I'm personally a fan of the 26 Acts movement. Let's pull away from the tv and actually go out and do good. Send letters to the community or make a snowflake for the kids to see at their new school.

  76. From Aurora, CO: Our hearts and prayers are with you. May our Lord be very real to you in the season of your grieving. I understand the pain of the intrusiveness from the media but just know that you are not alone in your grieving. We don't need to see your pain as ours remains present. God bless you and comfort you.

  77. Having a 5 year old, I refuse to put the news on anymore, at all, even before this horrific event. Since Friday, however, I will not watch any coverage even when I am alone. Please let your friends, family, neighbors, and community know that this entire country is praying for you. I was concerned that by ignoring the news coverage, it would come off as though we were trying to forget. I am happy to know that we can all agree on this. Love, support, prayers, and positive thoughts from Slidell, Louisiana.

  78. We'll be driving across Connecticut on 84 this weekend. We'll think of Newtown when we see the exit sign but we will not be stopping.

  79. I pray that people respect your town, your people and your memories. I have not watched and cannot because we have 3 small children and it tears to my eyes and hurts my heart! I wish there was more that I could do, but I pray for healing and peace for all involved!

  80. yes. and amen! disgusted with the reporters you are having to deal with. grieving with you and praying for you. with the tv and the radio turned off!
    ~a mom in Groton, CT

  81. how can you guys heal if the media keeps picking the wound? well said here erin. glad to find your blog and look forward to reading other entries. my heart goes to Newtown, to all the victims and all the victim survivors.

  82. Well put and spot on. God Bless you all....

  83. So many blessings to you all, and so much love...

  84. Completely understood. Just want to convey that you are not in this alone.

  85. I don't blame anyone for not talking to the media, they are just using this tragedy for their own agenda. I quit watching it shortly after it began, my heart was breaking just hearing and thinking of all that loss. My prayers are with the whole town of Newton and any family and friends.

  86. Well put. People need to understand that healing needs to begin to happen starting this week since Christmas is next week. Where even though all of the families that are grieving for their precious little ones that they lost also should be able to spend there Christmas in peace. I will be praying for all of you and that the media and everyone else will let all of you be in your town. Let that healing begin. Love to all of you. God Bless!!

  87. God bless, and will do.

  88. Well said....... May you all find peace during this very difficult time. I pray for everyone and hope that as the days go on things will start to settle down and your town can start the healing process... We as a nation cannot even begin to imagine how these families that lost loved ones are feeling but know we are there in thought & prayer.... god bless the town of Newtown and all the families affected by this tragedy.

  89. Love and Prayers from Fall River, Ma

  90. Love prayers from me and my family no one can feel ur pain but i have u in my heart today tomorrow and into the new year...MEDIA BLACK OUT i agree......Leave the parents to grieve let there shattered communities heal together without bn intruded........on love love love

  91. I have hot watched a single news report. I will always remember and pray for the victims and their families but I will NOT do exactly what the 'he' wanted.

    Perhaps if we stop sensationalizing these events they will not happen as often.

    Media and their rating....its sickening. They should give all the money they earned during this horrific time to the residents of Newtown, it is at their expense they made them did they not?
